Monday, April 6, 2009

Matchmaker, Matchmaker

Important Announcement
Joseph is pleased to announce a first for this blog: a marriage. That's right because they both read this blog (and because of some very fortunate "coincidences"), two beautiful people are getting hitched.

Joseph was born just a few weeks after we graduated from law school, and shortly after his birth we moved to California. As a result, Joseph wasn't able to meet very many of his parents' law school friends (except for his rich and powerful NYC-lawyer-Aunt Jenn).

After reading about Joseph on our blog, one of our dear classmates, whom we will refer to as "Nancy," decided that she needed to meet Joseph in person.

Around the time Nancy told us about this desire, it just so happened that we were heading out to Utah to visit Joseph's grandparents, and since Nancy worked in Salt Lake (where she, with the assistance of her staff--including her own male secretary--ran the show at a very, very large charity--trust us, you've heard of it) it worked out that Nancy would get to meet young Joseph in the flesh.

Totally unrelated to our get-together with Nancy was another Utah rendezvous with one of Todd's closest and best friends, whom we will call "Sam."

Shortly after Joseph left the state of Utah, Sam took a position in the kitchen of one of Park City's most exclusive resorts (we'd never heard of it, but Will Smith stays there). While working in this kitchen, Sam has never given any celebrities food poisoning.

Like Nancy, Sam had also enjoyed hearing about Joseph and wanted to meet the little guy for himself.

The Set-up
It just so happened that both Nancy and Sam were available on the same evening, so we had them both over for dinner at Joseph's grandparents' house.

We won't go into the rest of the details, but here's how the story ends:

bling. bling.

The Offer to all of our Single Friends

Ladies: do you need "a husband type person in [your] life to open jars, reach high shelves, help make the bed and kill mice"? (I stole that quote from one of our single readers who described her views on the utility of husbands, so I figured it was relevant)

Guys: to quote Sam, "Todd, why didn't you tell me your friend is hot?"

Free of charge, Joseph will set you up with someone who is perfect for you. So far, he's batting a thousand.

You've tried every other way to find a spouse, now let a toddler find one for you.

Joseph ponders his next pairing

Act now. Supplies are limited.

You heard it here first folks, Nancy Kennedy and Sam Major are getting married!

(We're even more up-to-date than facebook!)

We couldn't be happier, and after talking to them, we don't know if we've ever heard a happier couple. Sam and Nancy compliment each other extremely well. Each of the knows how to throw a party, so this wedding celebration is going to be "epic."

One week ago, Sam and Nancy called our house at 2 am to shout out the good news--Sam made good on his promise to tell the Toddster before they even told their own parents.

We considered posting something about this sooner, but we enjoyed making them wait for this post--and we also needed to protect ourselves because any claims of "just kidding" or "Actually, I had my fingers crossed when I said, 'Yes!'" have a one week statute of limitations on them, and now they can't take anything back.


Nancy said...

This blog post is pretty much my dream come true! Oh, wait, I mean marrying Sam is my dream come true!! Thanks for the shout out, Goodsells! That Joseph really is quite a matchmaker. Nancy

Jenn said...

Being quoted on this blog is pretty much my dream come true! I love how I'm always referred to as rich and powerful - it does so much for my poor little ego. Congratulations Nancy and Sam! Todd and Erin - you tell my cute little nephew type friend Joseph to start thinking of adorable and tall (they need to be able to reach those high shelves) friends he can match me up with. Pronto people, I'm not getting younger and in the words of our dear friend CCB, my eggs are dying.

theriddle said...

Hey I am a long time friend of Nancy! and I could not be more excited for her (and Sam) Congratulations on being the pair that hooked them up!

Bonny said...

Friend of Nancy's here...Loved this rendition of their love story. ha ha ha!

Anonymous said...

Friend of Nancy and Sam - Joseph is amazing. Could I schedule an appointment?

Kerri Willa said...

Beyond being an accomplished matchmaker, Joseph is as cute as they come. Do you rent him out for parties?

Thanks for the hilarious description of the magical story of Nancy and Sam...I just so happen to be a big fan of the happy couple, too. Nance and Sam, here's to you!

Lindsey Bench said...

The ONLY reason Keegan married me was because of Joseph.

Dev and Laur said...

I am hurt that Bryan and I were not included in this holy match making. We had just as big a part in it as Joseph did.

Joseph has chosen Stanley Wangsta for me. I was hoping I could ignore it, but after this post, I am discouraged and fear I can't ignore it.

ledmel23 said...

I am a friend of "Nancy" and now "Sam." They are a match made in heaven. Joseph could not have picked out two people more perfect for each other! Nice work little guy.

Sam said...

I'm glad about two things. Firstly, that I was included as a "beautiful person" and secondly that no one said I was "just there for the Thai food" which is how this story usually goes.

And I'm glad to be marrying Nancy... ok, three things ;)

ZAC said...

How uncannily funny! The circle of life continues one. Congrats to Sam and Nancy!!!!! Since I only know Nancy I'll have to admit, Sam is ONE LUCKY MAN. Great story. BTW: Joseph is exceptionally cute.

Lauren said...

This is Lobo--aka Lauren--aka "Sam's" sister. I love the story--Joseph is wise beyond his year(s). Perhaps at the wedding he can bring someone for me? :-) I was surprised that Sam called you guys before he even called to tell us that he was engaged! But, considering Joseph's important role in this relationship, it's all good :-) Todd, you've quite possibly been elevated to my favorite friend of "Sam"'s because of your role in helping to facilitate Sam's future happiness and a pretty much amazing sister-in-law! Way to go :-) Yay for Sam and Nancy! See you at the wedding!