Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Easter Decorations

Once we put away the Valentine's decorations, Joseph enjoyed looking around the house for Easter decorations. Joseph likes the word "egg" lately, so Easter came at a good time in his development.

Joseph's Nana gave us some decorations for Easter, and Joseph took a liking to a couple of stuffed mice who sit on our mantle--unless Joseph is awake, in which case the mice are usually driving dump trucks or under the chair.

Here's Joseph after insisting that the mice come with us in the car one day:

By far, Joseph's favorite decoration is a tree with a bee on it (I'm also hoping that through this post I might find support from other people out there, who, like me, didn't realize that trees, bees, or mice had entered the milieu of Easter decorations).

We have some bar stools at our counter, and Joseph loves to sit up high so he can help the bee to "fly" by batting it around.

I originally started filming this moment because Joseph had been feeding the bee, but he didn't really do it much after I pulled out the camera (much like the other day, when I tried to film him at lunch only to have him stop repeatedly putting deli meat on his head and then leaning forward to watch it fall back on his tray. . . come to think of it, pulling out the camera actually may be a great way to get him to stop misbehaving--I guess by that I'm also saying that at our house putting lunch meat on your head isn't misbehaving).

Unrelated Addendum
This may be the last of the one-a-day posts for the month of April. There are a number of reasons behind this decision:

1.) I only gave myself a 1 in 7 chance of posting every day, so this isn't really that big of a deal

2.) We think Joseph second molars are coming in. Last night, cumulatively between the three of us at our house, we almost got a full night's sleep for one person.

3.) Lately, I've thought a lot about why we write this blog, and I want to make sure we do it for the right reasons.

I used to be a humanities major, and back then I used to sit around (humanities majors sit around a lot) thinking about the motivations for doing things (for example, like most humanities majors, I thought a lot about what drives people to pursue a career rather than actually pursuing a career).

Once I got to law school, I realized that money is the only meaningful motivator, and frankly this blog isn't paying the bills.

But seriously, I think why people do creative acts matters. I'm going to reach a point in this post-a-day mode (if that moment hasn't happened already) where I just post something for the purpose of making sure that I don't miss a day of posting. I even have a couple of back-up posts saved under "drafts" to give me a buffer in case I get to a day where I don't feel like coming up with something new to write about.

I don't want April 2009 to be looked back on as the month where this blog jumped the shark (speaking of which, don't get me started on this season of 24).

For now, I think this blog will be more enjoyable if the posts continue to arrive often but haphazardly.

4.) The first round of the Masters starts tomorrow.


Kiersten White said...

Number one reason why you need to keep posting every day:

1. Your blog is the highlight of my day.

Charity said...

When we watched the video it could have been Caleb. He would've started out feeding the bee, gotten bored of that and hit the bee. Only he would've kept hitting the bee and when told to be nice would have laughed gleefully and hit it harder.

Mama White said...

Your posts are the highlight of my day! Love Joseph's cute little lisps. Thank you for being such a great dad to Joseph--I love hearing you two interact in the video clips you send. Keep them coming. (Oops, I just read Kiersten's comment and realized I plagiarized her post!)

patdwhite said...

you dont have to blog EVERY day, just most days if you please.

Dev and Laur said...

I'll start sending a golf ball for every post you or no deal?