When Joseph was very small, a friend of mine pointed out that Joseph is a lot like Hobbes, the tiger from the comic Calvin & Hobbes who turns from a playful tiger into a lifeless stuffed animal as soon as grown-ups came around. You see, Joseph can be as animated as can be, but as soon as we try to film him he would freeze up.
For you science nerds, this clearly demonstrates that the Heisenberg uncertainty principle also occurs beyond the sub-atomic level (you can tell that you are science nerd if you snorted a little bit when you read that last line).
Here's my favorite episode from last Christmas, where Joseph was enjoying his new newly-opened exersaucer.

Here's what happened when I tried to film Joseph to show his grandparents how much he LOVED his new Exersaucer:
Joseph even did this when he was just 3 months old. Here, he fights the urge to giggle each time he notices the camera:
Recently, I tried to film Joseph making animal noises. Now that he's older, he doesn't always freeze up anymore.
Before I pulled out the camera, he was responding to every cue.
And now that I think about it, he and Calvin seem to have the same haircut now.
Yeah, my Joseph not so much like your Joseph in this respect. My Joseph knows exactly what the camera and hams it up the minute he sees it. My kid is going to be the annoying kid who is always singing the loudest in the school concert or acting like a clown to be the center of attention.
Love it.
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