Thursday, April 29, 2010

Astronomical Ambitions

I love this boy. The other day he told us he wanted to be an astronaut when he grows up. I got teary-eyed thinking about how he was growing up and what kind of dreams and ambitions he would have.

Of course, then today he told us that when Audrey gets bigger, he's going to be a baby again so that he can swing in her swing. (It causes him much consternation that we won't let him in it because he's too big.) Two steps forward ... three steps back.

In any case, I guess these space monkey jammies are fitting. He is also really, really into Buzz Lightyear right now and likes to "play Buzz Lightyear," which involves climbing onto furniture and then jumping off, yelling "To Infinity and Beyond!" or "Buzz Lightyear to the Rescue!".


Kiersten White said...

I love him so, so much. He makes my heart happy. And at least he hasn't asked to crawl back into your womb.


Mama White said...

Love that little space monkey! Can't wait to see him in, oh, about 5 more hours!

To Love said...

Buzz Lightyear is a real hero at our house, too. We can't wait for #3 movie this summer. BYW, Nick covets Joseph's space jammies.

patdwhite said...

i love that boy!