We've had a lot of visitors the last few weeks. It has been great to let people meet Audrey, and because Joseph is so taken with all of the visitors and wants to play with them, Todd gets some welcome relief from "talk like Ernie" duty. (Joseph's new game is to require Todd to talk like Ernie from Sesame Street pretty much 24/7, with occasional breaks where Todd is permitted to talk like Bert instead. I am only allowed to talk like Elmo. Sometimes we ask Joseph if I can talk like Ernie instead of Dad to give Todd a break, but Joseph insists that I "don't understand" and that talking like Ernie is "too hard" for me.) (Also, most of Todd's talking like Ernie must take place in a dark closet or bathroom -- Joseph's two favorite play spots.)
So, the purpose of this post is to put up some pictures memorializing those visits. Todd would suggest this post is too long, but I guess we have had too many visitors. Besides, it's mostly pictures, little text, so there shouldn't be too many complaints.
Anyway, first, Nana, Grandpa, and Uncle Brent came.

Then Lindsey, Lauren, and Asher came. We went to the Wild Animal Park and explored Coronado. And Joseph had a grand time entertaining Asher and sharing with him (especially since he could just take the toys right back away from Asher when he felt less generous).

Then, Uncle Matt came. We went to the Museum of Natural History to see the dinosaurs and went strawberry picking with Elena and Jonah.
Joseph thinks Matt is the coolest thing ever. Perhaps this is because Matt looks like he walked straight out of the 70's. Not really in a vintage way. In a, "really did this guy travel time from the 70's?" kind of way. But we love Matt and his unique style and his nieces and nephews certainly love him too!

Next, a repeat visit from Nana, Grandpa and Uncle Brent so that they could check out a special butterfly exhibit at the Wild Animal Park. Audrey was a bit under the weather, and given that she had pooped all over me the first time we took her to the Park, I decided we'd sit that visit out.

Finally, Grandpa White came into town to meet Audrey and she's now met all of her grandparents!

Most of my family and a bunch of Todd's will be down again next week for Audrey's blessing at church ... but that can be another post, hopefully.