The other day after I got home from work I mentioned that we could go shopping for Halloween decorations. Although Joseph didn't know what those were at the time, he heard me and started insisting that we go get Halloween decorations, so we did.

The next day, he insisted on wearing a Halloween shirt that his grandparents had given him - even though it is black, long-sleeved, and it was 100 degrees outside. So, I figured it was as good a day as any to decorate (even if it was a bit premature).
Joseph had a great time helping me.

He is really excited for Halloween. He loves the pumpkins and ghosts and other Halloween things, and I think he finally understands the concept of a costume (though we haven't decided on one yet -- any ideas???), and we've been talking about saying "trick-or-treat" and getting candy.

(He is just mad that we are trying to take his picture here.)
Yesterday we even spent some time playing in last year's costume, since he is so into dinosaurs right now and loves looking at last year's pictures of "baby Joseph being dinosaur".

Apparently he doesn't need the costume to be a triceratops, though, because tonight he informed me that he has horns.
However, even this excitement did not prepare me for the purchase that Todd made the other day.

Meet Ludwig the skeleton/skull. Todd didn't catch on about my "cute" Halloween-themed decorations, and instead went straight for creepy. I guess this is to get me back for getting Joseph a super-girly, hot-pink Valentine's Day playset.

But Joseph loves Ludwig. He plays with him, shares with him, hugs him, and gives him hats so he doesn't get cold (since Ludwig lacks hair).

It is a good thing Joseph is getting a sibling soon because obviously the poor child is lonely.