Because he got sick of his mommy studying for the bar exam, Joseph decided to get into all sorts of mischief during the days leading up to the bar exam.
For Joseph, the bar exam week's (non-exhaustive) mischief list included:
- examining and removing the contents of trash cans
- disabling the lids to trash cans
- unrolling toilet paper
- flushing the toilet, repeatedly
- fishing around in the toilet
- climbing on tables
- stacking cups and glasses (found on the table)
- climbing on the shelves of the fridge
- eating whatever he can get his hands on in the fridge
- breaking the lid of the sugar jar (haven't told mommy about that one yet)
- opening the filing cabinet to file various papers and other nearby objects
- opening the front door (which is rarely used and basically never unlocked, but was for a few minutes) and making a break for it
- trying to throw balls off the balcony
- running to the door of the room where mommy is studying and waiting until dad comes around the corner to see him before throwing open the door
- tipping chairs
- pulling on potted plants

You'll also notice that the electric outlet has plastic safety plugs. Although these prevent Joseph from putting things (like screwdrivers) into the sockets, I think I've caught him trying to pop the safety plugs off with the screwdriver.
Here's Joseph trying to help mommy study for the bar
Fortunately for all of us--and especially for mommy--the bar exam is officially over!
Here's Joseph congratulating Erin on her completion of the bar exam.
Notice that Joseph is not looking at the camera in any of these pictures. Joseph is looking for mischief.
The best part of the bar exam for both Joseph and Erin (besides the performance exams; Joseph liked the performance exams) was probably the part at the end where you get to chase ducks before getting into your car.

After the exam, we went out to dinner together as a family where Erin explained why the funds she used to buy clothes between sessions of the bar exam were not subject to California community property laws, and the Toddster wondered why the bar exam had to be administered next door to a mall.