Thursday, September 18, 2008


So last night I was putting Joseph to bed. After our story, prayer, and song, I just held him and rocked him for a long time because I was sad about going back to work. I hope not to miss our bedtime routine very often, but I know there will be some nights where I have to work late and it will break my heart.

But anyway, I was holding him and he was snuggled into me, his head on my shoulder. Eventually he sort of started grunting; I thought they were happy grunts. But he set me straight when he sat up, and, grunting more emphatically, pointed to his crib.

I guess he was ready for bed.


Lindsey Bench said...

ha ha. sounds like what i do to keegan. begging him to stop snuggling me so i can go to bed!

Dev and Laur said...

if you're not careful you and going to snuggle that child to death.

Kiersten White said...

Yes, Jonah is always asking to go to sleep. Actually, he does, but just so he can get pacifiers.