Yes, Erin and Todd can now both tell everyone that they are both officially recognized by the state of California as legal drivers.
Erin's key to DMV success? Applying the same fool-proof strategy that worked so well for her in law school: (1) learn a lot more information than is necessary, (2) be convinced you're going to fail, (3) miss only one question on the exam.
Congratulations on passing, we knew you could do it!!
P.S. To celebrate Mommy's passing of her driving test, we went to the beach today:

--Joseph calls this look "Blue Steel"--
Yay Erin! It took me three years to get around to switching. You're speedy!
And, you know I have to say it, he is so cute and I love him so much I can't stand it.
Okay, I just read that whole blog thinking it was about Erin passing the bar. Several things went through my mind... 1. I swear she didn't even study? 2. How did she find out so fast? 3. She only missed one question? 4. What the heck is Kiersten talking about?
5. I am really confused.
6. . . . . .
7. I'm an idiot.
Congratulations!! You can drive now! :) Hooray.
Hey, we really missed you at book club the other night. I hope your migraine is gone now!
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