Wednesday, August 6, 2008

A Painful Confession, or, Peer Pressure

OK, here it comes.

I've tried to keep this a secret.

I feel like such a fake.

Please still be my friends.

Please don't mock me *too* much. I'm fragile.


I went to buy Breaking Dawn at midnight last Friday with some members of a book club I'm in. It really pains me to admit this on my blog, but I felt compelled to fess up. I *wasn't* going to buy it; I was just going to see the spectacle and to hang out with some fun girls. But then we ended up getting there a little late and they reopened the bookstore just for us and I felt guilty and went ahead and bought it.

And read it.

I think I'll have to re-read Gilead now to cleanse my soul.

No, I am not in this picture. We didn't dress up ... though we should have. These were some nice girls we met at the bookstore. They were waiting for their parents to come and pick them up ...


To Love said...

Hey, I haven't purchased the book yet. But I'll fess up that I, too, read the other three. No one else knows that I have. What should I do to cleanse my soul?

To Love said...

I have never read Gilead, perhaps that's where I sould start....right after I read Breaking Dawn.

Erin said...

nicole, you would love gilead! and, it takes place in the midwest (some of it in kansas, even).

Dev and Laur said... should have just stayed with those girls waiting for their parents. That's where you belong.

gurrbonzo said...


I don't even know you anymore.

Jenn said...

Wow. I don't think we can be friends anymore. Tell you what, you forgive me for not calling in like, months, and I'll forgive you for reading THAT book. Deal?
