So, one morning when I was left alone (Todd went golfing), I decided to have at it.
This was a mistake.
Surprisingly, Joseph didn't start crying when the clippers started buzzing. He has actually gotten better about noises. I've been creating some positive associations with the blender, since he loves the smoothies that result from its harrowing noise. But as soon as I touched his head, it was all thrashing and tears. He was eating cookies, which became this huge mushy mess all over the place. I could only really get the top of his head because of the thrashing. I finally stopped, and when combed a certain way, the haircut looked okay. But then when it got disheveled (which it quickly does), it was clear that there was a lot of business-in-the-front, party-in-the-bac going on. So, later that night it was time for round two.
Round two went a little better, but the next day as his hair was exposed to the static inherent in sitting in a carseat during an eleven-hour journey from Utah to California, it became clear again that there were some seriously long chunks and some severely short patches.
So, that night we bought our own set of clippers to fix the damage. (There was no time to take him to a salon because the next day was Sunday and then we were leaving for Hawaii at 4 in the morning on Monday, and I had to get his hair fixed before his Nana came to babysit.) In the end, the only thing we could really do was pretty much buzz the stuff. Todd helped this time and did a much better job than I did.
We still think he's really cute, but he looks like a little boy now more than a baby. So I am missing his hair bad. On the bright side, it grows fast and it's so hot here in September that we think he'll appreciate the lack of matted, sweaty hair that he always gets in the heat.