Wednesday, May 11, 2011

This is what happens when ...

This is what happens when we leave any food on the table. Our little forager here is helping herself to a hamburger.

This is what happens to Audrey's hair when it's been in piggy tails.

This is what happens when we wash the piggy tails out.


The Hansen's said...

Glad to see Audrey is so self-sufficient. She will come in very handy when the new baby is here and you and Todd want to go out for a night on the town! Cute tub pics of the munchkins!

The Hansen's said...

Actually, mom left the comment logged in as Lauren and Devin!

Lindsey Bench said...

I think Audrey looks like Lauren as a baby in that last picture!

Kari said...

I love seeing pics of the kids - they're adorable (and so big!)