I'm too lazy to think of a theme or anything much clever to say ... so, here are some of the things we've been up to the last few weeks.
We went to some Christmas celebration thing at Sea World. The special Shamu show was scary for Joseph and awkward for me and Todd. But Joseph enjoyed sitting on a fake manatee.

Joseph's buddy Ashton turned two. While all of other kids were watching Ashton open presents, Joseph managed to escape and climb halfway up a very, very steep hill until he lost his shoe and had to give up. It is a good thing that Todd stays home with him and not me, because he can outrun and otherwise out-maneuver me any day.

Joseph did manage to stick around for the cake, though.

We went to a Christmas party at our church. I thought Joseph would be terrified of Santa but he ended up being okay with the whole thing.

Joseph's cousin Asher visited which was great fun. They are the cutest little guys, and Joseph is (generally) really kind and nurturing with Asher, so we are hoping he keeps it up for the new baby.