Tuesday, January 20, 2009


Joseph's friend Matthew came over to play the other day. Matthew is the closest kid in age to Joseph at church, and they have similarly-mellow and pleasant dispositions. Joseph loves Matthew and they get excited when they see each other.

The first time that Matthew came over (in December), Joseph gathered all of his toys throughout the house to give them to his friend.

Evidently, he also felt that Matthew was not properly groomed, and help him spiff up a bit. Matthew is really patient with Joseph's attention and affection.

However, the prize for the first person's name that Joseph has learned to say goes to his friend Ashton. So far, Joseph says Mom, Dad, and Nana, but I think Ashton's is the first formal name he's said (though it's arguable that he's said something like "Lena" for his cousin Elena).

Ashton is a bit younger than Joseph but they seem to like each other as well. Ashton follows Joseph around, and Joseph likes slamming doors on Ashton (which Ashton isn't so crazy about). It's nothing personal against Ashton. Joseph just really likes shutting people out of rooms. Ashton came with us to Santa's Village and is the boy pictured with Joseph in "In Between Christmases."

1 comment:

patdwhite said...

Wow, the first picture is really a beautiful picture of Joseph. I miss that cute little boy running around my house.