And a couple of weeks ago, Joseph turned three years old. We also love him. He keeps us in stitches with the crazy things that he says, and he is such a sweet big brother. He's also a sweet friend, usually. Although he has a hard time sharing his things when people come over, he still loves his friends. Last week we were hiking (more on that later) and he was having a great time and kept saying that he wanted to bring his friends Ashton and Chase there. He's sweet and thoughtful.
We were in Utah for Joseph's birthday. He had requested a bug cake so I made him a bug mountain cake and his aunt made a ladybug cake.

Then when we got back, we had his first-ever "friend" birthday party. It was, again, a bug theme. The kids had bug races (where they crawled like ladybugs, flew like butterflies, and hopped like grasshoppers); ate "ants" (chocolate sprinkles) with no hands; and went on a bug hunt for some fake bugs we'd hidden around the park (of course some found some real bugs too). It was cute and easy and I think a success!

We love our little kids and the buddies that they are becoming!

P.S. Although it appears in some of these pre-3rd birthday pictures, the pacifier is now officially GONE from Joseph's life. And it was a lot easier than we had feared ... we should have banned it long ago.